How to Spot (and Deal With) Lacking Emotional Intelligence at Work

May 19, 2022

It’s no secret that toxic, unhealthy work environments can be incredibly detrimental to our physical and emotional health. In fact, studies have shown that a lack of emotional intelligence in the workplace can lead to survival mode behaviors, such as aggression, withdrawal, and sabotage. When these elements are present in a work environment for longer than 2-3 months you can expect the implications of these problems to be clear as day. So how do you know if you’re working in a shadow culture like this? And more importantly, what can you do about it?

1. How can you tell if someone lacks emotional intelligence in the workplace?

Someone lacking emotional intelligence in the workplace can be difficult to detect, as their behavior often appears “normal.” However, there are certain signs and behaviors that may hint at a lack of emotional intelligence. For example, a person lacking emotional intelligence may be unaware of how their words or actions might impact others in the workplace. They may also be unwilling or unable to recognize when they have offended someone or made them feel upset. Additionally, lacking emotional intelligence typically involves a lack of self-awareness; these individuals tend to react inappropriately or impulsively without fully considering the consequences or impact on others. So if you suspect that someone in your workplace is lacking emotional intelligence, it may be worth having a conversation with them and providing some guidance (send them Enmocean’s way!). By doing so, you can help them develop greater awareness and improve their interactions with others both professionally and personally.

2. What are some strategies for coping with a situation where you’re working with someone who has low emotional intelligence skills?

There are several key strategies that can help you cope with working with someone who has low emotional intelligence skills. The first and most important thing to keep in mind is that this situation can actually present a useful learning opportunity; instead of focusing on the challenges or frustrations you may be experiencing, try to think about what you can gain from the experience. This might involve observing and trying to understand the person’s thought processes or behaviors, and thinking critically about how your own actions might have contributed to the situation.

Another useful tactic is to stay grounded in practical considerations, rather than reacting emotionally or letting yourself get worked up. For example, focus on concrete steps you can take to address any challenges that come up, whether it’s writing down your thoughts or co-creating an action plan with your colleague. And finally, remember to be patient and understanding; if you’re dealing with someone who struggles with emotional intelligence, it’s likely that this reflects a broader issue beyond just one interaction or relationship. Ultimately, by approaching the situation with these tactics in mind, you’ll be better equipped to cope effectively and maximize your chances of success in working with difficult colleagues.

3. Is there anything else we can do to help people develop their emotional intelligence skills in the workplace setting?

While there are many different ways we can help people develop their emotional intelligence skills in the workplace, I believe that coaching and support are two of the most important strategies. By coaching individuals on how to better understand and manage their emotions, we not only help them to be more effective communicators and team players, but we also help them to become more resilient and confident. Additionally, by providing support to those who may be struggling or facing obstacles, we can help create a positive work environment that encourages growth and development. Ultimately, investing in coaching and support is one of the most effective ways to help people enhance their emotional intelligence and thrive in their careers. Enmocean provides coaching and training for small teams. Check out our programs and services. Set up a call when you’re ready!

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